Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 14

Lazy day at home and playing with Mommy's phone!

Showing me the game he was playing!

January 13

Bubble Bath before Alabama vs. Georgia gym meet!

January 12

Relaxing after a long day!

These are Hunter's favorite shoes! He wears them around the house all the time!

January 11

Early in the morning...

And they are happy!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 10

Sleeping Away!

Love these sweet boys!

A Huge Deer for Daddy and a National Championship!

Monday January 9th was a huge day for this family! Daniel went to Greene County and shot a massive 11 point buck and Alabama won their 14th National Championship! Needless to say Cole and Hunter could not contain themselves! Roll Tide!

The boys LOVE #10 A.J. McCarron!!!!

Daniel's HUGE 11 point! He is so proud!

Our little family!

Happiness Is...

January 7
Building a fort with my babies!

January 8
Playing new games!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 6- Report Cards go home and Cole is still sick

Well report cards went home today! I think I was more excited than Cole! I am so proud of this little man. He made all 3's which means he is doing great! Unfortunately he missed school today to take another trip to see Dr. Tindle. He had to have another breathing treatment and this time he was diagnosed with double ear infections! Poor guy he just can't catch a break! I hate it when he's sick.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 6

Reading books at bedtime is a must in this house! Since both boys were born we have read a book to them every night! Now that they are older they each pick out a book. Since Cole is now reading most nights he reads us a book and we all listen. Then Daddy or Mommy read the book that Hunter has picked out. It is a great end to our day!

This picture makes my heart happy. These three boys are my world!

January 5

School started back for all of us today! Life is now back on our regular routine! Today was a great day! Both boys had a great first day back but were so very happy when it was time to go home. At bedtime Cole told me that all he wanted to do at school tomorrow was eat snack and go to P.E. I told him that I didn't think Mrs. Holcomb would like that too much. He informed me that he was going to try it anyways! Our bedtime tonight consisted of talking a lot! Both boys were talking nonstop about their next birthday! That's when they both held up their fingers to tell me how old they are! I must say they are growing up WAY TOO FAST!

Hunter is two years old! Did anyone notice how he always has on an Elmo outfit? This kid loves Elmo!

Cole is five years old! I can't believe it!

January 4

Today Cole and Hunter went back to the doctor. They both still have a lingering cough and weren't feeling all that great! Dr. Tindle gave them a breathing treatment and told us they would be fine to go to school tomorrow! So tonight we did what every family does when they are feeling better. We played the Wii! We busted out Just Dance which is our "faborite" as Hunter says. What a great way to end Winter break!

Look at them dance!
Whoa! They have some moves!
Shake it! Shake it!

Look at them go!

January 3

Today was the day I went back to work after spending a whole two weeks with my sweet boys. Needless to say I was not ready at all. I hate being away from them .
This is Cole starting the day off by trying to avoid getting ready. Notice the neon green band aid. We love some band aids in our house!

January 2

Since the boys were so sick over Christmas break we really didn't leave the house and we stayed in our pajamas the whole time! We also had tons of fun doing new things! Today I taught the boys how to play GO FISH!!! They loved it! They both got really into it and were so competitive with it!
Cole using his newly acquired GO FISH skills to dominate the game!

Hunter being silly while Cole stays focused on the game!

My sweet boys playing GO FISH!

January 1

Today was an absolute wonderful day! Both boys were feeling better. I introduced them to one of my all time favorite games...Twister! Who doesn't love twister? Cole really got into it. Hunter copied whatever Cole did, It was so much fun!
As you can see Cole was very focused.

This was right after he fell down.

Notice how Hunter is looking at Cole.

My two boys!

Happy New Year!

Cole and Hunter were both diagnosed with walking pneumonia on December 29th so we rang in 2012 at home.  We watched The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, ate pizza, popped popcorn and called it a night early. There is no place that I would rather be than at home with my boys...all three of them.
Hunter getting into the festivities!

Cole using his horn to wish us all a Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from The Livingston's!

My 365 Project

I am finally starting a blog! I have decided to do a 365 project of our family to document 2012. This is where I take a picture each day and at the end of the year we will be able to look back at our most memorable moments. I am very excited! This is going to be a great year!